My Motherhood Story | Mine4Nine

For us Mine4Nine is not a brand, it is an emotional thread running through the lives of mothers-to-be. Your pregnancy brings a change in you, a change which you love to cherish. Here is a young lady sharing her experience, oozing with joy in a Mine4Nine floral dress from the Spring Summer 2017 Collection.

"The first trimester - Expect the unexpected! The first trimester was filled with varied emotions from the excitement of finding out we are pregnant to getting overwhelmed with the unknowns associated with pregnancy. Like most of the couples, my husband and I were happy when we found out that we are going to have a baby! Little did we know about the reality of how my body is going to throw tantrums - nausea, dizziness, fatigue & sleepiness leading to a complete change in lifestyle where everything was planned and under control to all unknowns. That said, one thing kept me going - the thought that it's all going to be worth it and this is temporary! And yes, all of those uncomfortable feelings started waning off as I came close to the end of the first trimester. Now the excitement begins with the baby growing, bump starting to show and thoughts about whether it's going to be a girl or a boy start creeping. Looking forward to the so-called 'best phase of pregnancy' now.
Here are a few learnings so far -
1) To beat nausea, I started eating very small portions of food every 2 hours and ensured the first food intake of the day is soon after waking up in the morning.

2) I was very regular at working out prior to pregnancy. So exercising was a part of my routine. I continued with it for sometime after I found out about my pregnancy. However, I could not continue with the same intensity, it had to be toned down and tweaked to suit the body's need. While it is important to exercise for a healthy pregnancy, I realized it's important to listen to the body and the signals it sends by way of reactions to certain exercises or their intensity. I took a break in between exercises and reduced the frequency for a few weeks to settle down with the hormonal changes my body was going through. It was not easy to do mentally, as working out was one of my favorite activities. But it had to be done.
3) Healthy and balanced diet rich in protein and iron is very essential throughout pregnancy and we had to literally put together a list of all fruits, vegetables and meat that can help with these nutrients. With that, we created a diet chart as a guide to help us prepare what combination of food will give a daily balanced meal.

We couldn't wait for our newest chapter to begin, and Mine4Nine really helped make the wait wonderful."

Expect in Style with Mine4Nine.

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